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Speaking of devil and he appears .

Speaking increasingly louder is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol-induced intoxication. 说话声音越来越大通常可以被认为是受到了酒精影响的醉酒指征。
Speaking much is a sign of vanity, for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed. 话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上却是个小气鬼。
Speaking of Yao Ming, the Lakers got their fill of the Rockets' All-Star center on Friday night. 说到姚明,湖人在周五晚上被他搞得焦头烂额。
Speaking of both being wrong and the aforementioned Wizard of Oz, many thanks to the numerous readers who e-mailed to tell me that, like the Scarecrow, I lack a brain. 讲到了我的错和上文提到的「绿野仙踪」,不得不感谢写电子邮件给我,说我像「稻草人」一样缺了脑袋的无数读者。
Speaking of controversies, what can we say about this umpteenth poisonous summer of Italian football? 谈到争论,对于这样一个混乱的意大利足球的夏天已经是无数次出现的了,我们应该怎样来看呢?
Speaking of devil and he appears . 说曹操,曹操就到。
Speaking of family, it was also really good to see Chen Di and Jie Feng again. 说到家庭,再次看到陈迪和杰峰感觉真好。
Speaking of finding enemy submarines, sonar works underwater similar to the way that radar works above land. 讲讲搜寻敌人的潜艇,声纳在水下工作就好像雷达在陆地上工作。
Speaking of hamburgers not all Americans like them. 说到汉堡并非所有美国人都喜欢吃.
Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled. 谈到他的情人时, 他的双眼闪烁着光芒。
Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect? 谈到付款方式,能否告诉我,你们这方面通常怎么做?

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