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The usual stroke used is the Australian Crawl.

The usual practice is wheat sown in strip check and 0.6-0.8 m wide space left for maize under the precondition of full land utilization and high yield of wheat. 通常作法是小麦条畦种植,留出0.6~0.8米宽空地种玉米,前提是充分利用土地使小麦高产。
The usual presentation is that of an asymptomatic thyroid nodule, although many cases are now diagnosed during routine screening of affected kindreds with multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA or IIB before a palpable tumor develops. 通常表现为无症状甲状腺结节,虽然很多病例在肿瘤扪及前就可通过多内分泌肿瘤IIA或IIB血缘关系的常规检查得到确诊。
The usual presumption that agreements between spouses living happily together are not legally enforceable does not apply when they are about to separate, or have already separated. 通常的假设是:夫妻双方快乐地生活在一起时的协议是不被法律强制性执行的,但一旦他们要分局或者已经分居则不成立。
The usual recommended dosage is 0.5 to 1.5 mg per day of a formulation standardized to 5% icariin flavonoid. 通常推荐每天服用0.5到1.5毫克,淫羊藿黄酮类浓度为5%。
The usual start is first creates on the paper, but certain times alsomay directly start on the wall drawing board to draft the picture . 通常的开始是先在画纸上创作,但是某些时候也可以直接在壁画板上开始起草画面.
The usual stroke used is the Australian Crawl. 通常采用的泳姿是澳大利亚爬泳。
The usual version of this common question goes something like: Yesterday you said that LIGO has 4km arms and that a gravitational wave makes the arm length change a little because space is distorted. 这个问题的常见版本类似于:“昨天你们说LIGO的臂长为4公里,然后在引力波扭曲了空间后这个长度改变了一丁点。
The usual way to reclaim land is to pile sand rock on to the seabed. 通常的方法去开垦陆地是在海床上堆起沙石。
The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Coffee, if you want. 和平常一样,鸡蛋、烤面包片和麦片。还有咖啡,如果你想喝的话。
The usually heavy rainfall was an ill omen for the travelers. 通常雨下得很大,对于旅游者来说,是个不祥之兆.
The usually hidden and oblivious informal social infrastructures emerge as crucial assets for relieving natural disasters that may paralyze regular functioning of formal institutions. 目前已有证据显示,非正式的社会结构似乎在自然灾害的防治过程中,正扮演著愈来愈重要的角色,特别是在正式组织于资源动员及整合时出现罅隙的情况下。

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