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Communication between nerve cells, or neurons, appears for the most part to be a chemically mediated event.

Communicating with designing engineer, project manager and architect and analyzing project requirements. 与设计人员,项目经理和架构师沟通明确和分析项目需求。
Communicating with project manager or senior engineer and supplying technological guidance. 与项目经理和高级工程师沟通并给予技术指导。
Communication System Network Design: The central pedestrian area is linked up with the peripheral commercial areas, residential areas and offices by circular pedestrian system or network. 交通系统网络化设计:中心步行区与周边商业、居住、办公等用地通过环线步行系统或网络连接。
Communication and coordination with other department and people. 与其他部门和人员进行沟通和协调工作。
Communication between a compute and a keyboard involves () transmission. 计算机和键盘间的通讯是如何传输的?
Communication between nerve cells, or neurons, appears for the most part to be a chemically mediated event. 神经细胞(或神经原)间的交通,多半看来似是一种化学的媒介事件。
Communication diagrams are simple enough to create; however, maintenance, especially if message numbering needs to be changed, still ideally needs the support of a helpful UML tool. 交互图很容易建立,但如果涉及到信息编号的话还是需要借助于一个好用的UML工具。
Communication diagrams have no concept of the asynchronous message since its focus is not on message ordering. 交互图并不关心异步信息传递,在交互图中没有异步的概念。
Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit. 串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。
Communication is Key! 沟通是关键!
Communication is difficult, Send word twice. 通讯困难,每字请发两边。

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