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The recession have cause thousands of bankruptcy.

The receptionist at that company is gorgeous. 那家公司的接待员好漂亮。
The receptionist received a receipt from the receiver. 接待员收到一份来自接收者的收据。
The receptionist scowled at me. 接待员怒视着我。
The recess can be open to the top, with the integral blade subassembly being lowered into the recess, or the recess can open to the bottom, with the integral blade subassembly being raised into the recess. 凹穴开口向上时,整体的刀片组就下放入凹穴;凹穴开口向下时,整体的刀片组就往上塞入凹穴。
The recession forced Fitzroy to sell some of his recent acquisitions. 经济衰退迫使菲次罗伊出售部分最近收购的项目。
The recession have cause thousands of bankruptcy. 经济不景气造成数千万的破产。
The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
The recipe calls for butter, but you can use margarine as a substitute. 食谱上要求牛油,但你可以用造奶油当代用品。
The recipe of friendship:1 cup of sharing,2 cups of caring,1 cup of forgiveness and hugs of tenderness,Mix all these together...to make friends forever. 交友处方:1杯分享、2杯关心、1杯宽容与亲切的拥抱,将之混合而成——永远的朋友。
The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious. 烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心的外国人客户无意识。
The recipe says we need two eggs and a cup of milk. 食谱上写着我们需要两颗蛋和一杯牛奶。

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