Through a true understanding of and respect for the horse's nature, the equestrian artist can evoke the highest level of athletic performance from each horse.
通过真正意义上的理解,和出于对马的天性的尊重,马术大师们可以唤醒每一匹马最大的运动潜能。 |
Through a “mysterious mistake” I got locked up in this California prison with my camera and had plenty of time to follow the daily life of my co-inmates.
翻译:因为一个“神秘的过失”,我携着我的照相机被关进加州这个监狱里,我有充裕的时间去了解跟我同住一监狱的伙计的日常生活。 |
Through active innovation spirit , strict working attitude and powerful technical forces, We ensures our products to be innovated and upgraded unceasingly and our service to be safe, stable and highly effective!
因为网站是新客户了解您的企业及产品(服务)的首选,国外客户习惯通过网站进行贸易,这种方式既便捷,成本又低。 |
Through activities and displays, guests experience what life was like on a Tennessee plantation in 1799.
通过旅游活动与展示,客人们可以体检到田纳西1799年前,刀耕火种的生活状况。 |
Through adding a small amount of sulfur powder into solid ferrocene precursor, we fabricate high purity, uniform and straight carbon fiber arrays that can extend to several millimeters by the floating catalyst method.
摘要本文通过在固体二茂铁前驱体中添加少量硫粉,利用浮动催化化学气相沉积法制得了高纯度,直径和长度均一、且笔直定向、长达数毫米的碳纤维阵列。 |
Through adding low viscidity HPMC, workable performance of the dry-mixed mortar can he greatly improved, and this dry-mixed mortar can well solve the crack problem of wall.
通过掺入低粘度的羟丙基甲基纤维素后,砂浆的施工和易性能得到了极大的改善,可以较好地克服新型墙材出现的墙体裂缝等问题。 |
Through adjustment of the thermal control parameters, the valve stem leakage problem of the main steam valve resulted from insufficient opening in hot state has been eliminated.
通过调整热控参数,消除了热态时阀门开度不足问题,主汽门杆再未发生蒸汽泄漏。 |
Through advertising,friends and so on,to each investor on national forestry reform policies,laws,regulations and cooperation (trusteeship) afforestation model,and this model of successful practice in the Western developed countries,the market outlook,inve
通过广告宣传,朋友介绍等方式,向每个投资者讲解国家林业改革政策、法律、法规和合作(托管)造林模式,以及这一模式在西方发达国家的成功实践,市场前景等,还把投资者免费用车接到林地实地考察,这样做起来,逐渐有人认识到合作(托管)造林的价值,投入少,收益高,风险低,回报高,是造福人类的好事,利国利民利己。 |
Through all his changing fortunes, he never lost courage.
任凭命运变换,他从不丧失勇气。 |
Through all its individual variations, this pattern is always fundamentally of the same kind.
尽管会有种种特殊变化,这个规范从根本上说总是保持不变的。 |
Through almost a hundred years of development, the study of accounting, especially the measurement methods in financial reporting, has gone through a series of advancements, from the initial application of historical cost, to replacement cost, net realiza
会计学经过近百年的发展演进,企业财务评价与信息披露的计量方法,由最初的历史成本计量属性逐步发展到重置成本、可变现净值、现值,一直到2006年9月美国财务会计准则委员会发布了美国财务会计准则第157号——公允价值计量,使其成为第五种会计计量属性,并且得到了世界各国的共同认可。 |