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This Contract shall be terminated on the expiration date.

This Cognac XO is the result of seeking the perfect, the representative of prosperity and respect, be filled in the blue porcelain bottle which better presents the decorousness and luxury, becoming the cherish for tasteful person that constructs honorable 此款XO干邑是法国调酒大师追求完美的结晶,是富庶也是尊荣的代表,滴滴佳酿盛载于法国传统手工工艺制造的蓝色瓷樽内,更显雍容奢华,为坚持生活品位人士之珍爱,于传统佳节中营造尊贵氛围!
This Concert consists of many children's fairy tales which are selected from music lists not only of classicism, romanticism, but also modernism. 该团精选音乐史上古典主义、浪漫主义、乃至现代主义之曲目搭配童话故事串成此音乐会!
This Contract and the documents enumerated herein are to be considered as one and whatever is called for by any one of them or portions thereof, or is reasonably inferable therefrom as being necessary to produce the intended result, shall be as binding as 本合同及在此列举的文件应被视为一个整体,其中任一文件或该文件中的任何部分所要求的事项,或从该等文件或部分中合理推论出其为达到预期结果所必须的事项应与被所有文件所要求的事项具有同样的约束力。
This Contract and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be fully performed pending the award in any arbitration proceeding hereunder. 倘若日后有需要进行仲裁,在听后裁决期间,合约双方于合约上的所有权利和义务依然必须严格执行。
This Contract is made out in two original, each copy written in Chinese and English languages, both text being valid. 本合同正文一式两份,分别以中文和英文书写,两种文本具有同等效力。
This Contract shall be terminated on the expiration date. 劳动合同期满,即行终止。
This Contract shall come into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties. 本合同将在双方授权代表签字后正式生效。
This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder. 现用两个实例,说明在英译合同中如何酌情使用上述副词。例1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。
This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyerand the Builder. 例1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。
This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument signed by the Parties. 本合同不得以口头方式修改,而须经双方签署书面文件后方可修改。
This Contract shall not create any contractual relationship between the Owner and any Subcontractor, and all Subcontracts shall include provisions to that effect. 本合同不得而知在业主和任何分包商之间产生任何合同关系,并且所有的分包合同都应包含达到以上效果的规定。

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