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Conclusion: Sinus probing, mythylene blue injection test and type B ultrasonic examination are effective methods for the diagnosis of urachal remnants with heterotopic sinus.

Conclusion: MP infection has diverse clinical manifestations accompanied with multiple organ injury. 论:MP感染临床表现多样,可伴随多系统损害。
Conclusion: More pressing thought education in model change for medico and increasing educational stength in community medicine as well as the consciousness of CHS 论 :进一步推进医学生医学模式转变的思想教育 ,加大对医学教育的力度 ,增加医学生社区卫生服务的意识。
Conclusion: NO exists or colocalizes with CGRP in the spinal ganglia cells with dichotomizing peripheral processes to both the somato visceral structures, NO and CGRP are also co located in visceral afferent spinal ganglia cells in rats. 论 :大鼠周围突向躯体和内脏分支投射脊神经节细胞内含 NO或 NO和CGRP共存 ,NO和 CGRP还共存于内脏初级传入脊神经节细胞。
Conclusion: Pan of the long radial extensor carpal muscle tendon maybe strong and long enough to be transferred to repair the dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of pollex. 论:桡侧腕长伸肌部分肌腱转位,有足够的长度和强度修复第一腕掌关节脱位,术式设计合理,是一种新的手术方法,临床应用 例,获得良好效果。
Conclusion: SCI could promote hemopoiesis by activating the hemo opsonin. 论 :三才封髓丹可能是通过激活红系造血调控因子而促进造血功能。
Conclusion: Sinus probing, mythylene blue injection test and type B ultrasonic examination are effective methods for the diagnosis of urachal remnants with heterotopic sinus. 瘘口探针探查、亚甲蓝注射试验、B超检查为有效的诊断措施;
Conclusion: Summarize the relation between Chang'an and its temples, discovering the nature of the relation, which lies in that magisterium is subdued to royalty and that religion serves society and in which "to use and to be used" exists complicatedly. 论:总结长安与寺观之间的关系,指出在政治、经济上其实质是教权服从于王权、宗教服务于世俗的一种关系,这种关系又包含着的利用与被利用的复杂关系,在文化和建筑上,寺观充实了都城的人文景观。
Conclusion: Syrupus Immune could obviously improve the anti stress effect of mice at the dose of .0 g/(kg·d), and the effect couldn't strengthen by increasing dose. 论 :g/ (kg· d)免疫口服液可显著提高小鼠的抗应激能力 ,且作用不随剂量增大而增强
Conclusion: The best therapeutic effects might be accomplished by choosing the appropriate methods for different kinds of haustra. 论:根据眼袋的不同表现形式,采取不同的治疗方法可获得最佳的美学效果。
Conclusion: The major components of the essential oil from Rhodiola yunnanesis are octanol ( 8.% ), geraniol (.9%), linalol (8. %), myrtenol (.%), decanol (.09%), nerol acetate ( .%),etc. [ 论 :云南红景天主要成分为正辛醇 ( 8. % )、牛儿醇 ( .9 % )、里哪醇 (8. % )、桃金娘醇 ( . % )、正葵醇 ( .0 9% )及橙花醇乙酸酯 ( . % )等
Conclusion: The nibble technology is safe in the therapy of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and could reduce the complications during or after the operation. 论:糖尿病视网膜病变中使用蚕食式膜切除术剥膜比较安全,能减少手术中及手术后并发症。

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