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Their maps showed God, history, and human woes and joys, often biblical ones.

Their major centers are in Rajasthan in Western India and near Gaya in Bihar. 他们的主要中心是西印度的拉贾斯坦邦和加雅附近的比哈尔邦。
Their major functions of these intermediary organizations are as follows: to coordinate the relationship between higher education institutions and the government in order to achieve the harmony between government management and higher education autonomy t 这些中介组织在高等教育内部以及高等教育与中等教育、政府和社会的关系方面发挥着多种功能,主要体现在:协调高等院校与政府的关系,实现政府管理和高教自治的有机结合;确立高等院校基本入学资格,促成高等教育与中等教育的衔接;规范高等院校及其专业设置基准,维护高等教育质量,整合高等教育系统;维护教师的权益,促进教师专业化;研讨高等教育问题,捍卫高等学校的自治权;开展调查研究,为教育决策和改革提供咨询和建议。
Their male compatriots fare less well, with a life expectancy of 79 years, second to Icelandic men at 79.4 years, the Health Ministry said. 据日本卫生省介绍,日本男性的平均寿命为79岁,仅次于冰岛男性的79.4岁,位居世界第二。
Their male compatriots fare less well, with a life expectancy of 79 years, second to Icelandic men at 79.4 years. 他们的男性同胞处境稍微次之,有著79岁的寿命预期结果,仅次于冰岛男性的79.4岁。
Their manner was rather stiff. 他们的态度很生硬。
Their maps showed God, history, and human woes and joys, often biblical ones. 他们的地图展现了上帝,宗教历史和圣经当中人们的喜怒哀乐。
Their maps, too, suffered from geographical amnesia—often showing all of Palestine without Israel's borders, or displaying Arab cities in Israel but not Jewish ones. 他们的地图也充满了地理健忘症带来的后果——通常是展现了整个巴勒斯坦地区却没有标出以色列的边界,或者标出以色列境内的阿拉伯人的城市而犹太人的城市却不标出来。
Their marginal location, at the outskirts of the city where everything is fast and noisy, gives them the chance to exist outside time, or better - to change the pace of their time, creating a space where they can listen to each other. 他们边缘位置,在一切事情是快和嘈杂的在哪里的城市的郊区,把在时间外边存在,或者更好的机会发出给它们-改变他们的时间的步伐,建立他们能听彼此的空间。
Their marketing manager switched allegiance from the company to their main competitor. 他们的销售经理已不再效忠公司,而投靠了公司的主要对手。
Their marriage ended in divorce. 他们的婚姻以离婚收场。
Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start. 他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固.

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