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The nickname Rocketmight seem a tad incongruous for a man who stands six feet four and weighs over two hundred pounds.

The nice women are ugly. 好女人不漂亮。
The niche markets at the top of the pyramid in high-taste leisure industry area. 高品味休闲产业领域中金字塔最尖端的小众市场。
The niche model of speciation thus looks proved. 物种形成的环境模型被证明是正确的。
The niche proportional similarity and the niche overlap index reflect the niche characteristics of the evergreen broadleaf trees in subtropical forest. 结果表明:组成米槠林群落的优势种群绝大多数为广生态位,种群之间关系复杂,对资源具有一定的共享性。
The nickel coating is obtained with self-made jet-electrodeposition equipment in the experiment. 在实验中利用自行研制的喻射电沉积装置电沉积锋。
The nickname Rocketmight seem a tad incongruous for a man who stands six feet four and weighs over two hundred pounds. “火箭人”这个昵称,用在一位身高六英尺四英寸、重逾两百磅的巨汉身上,似乎有那么点不协调。
The nickname was straightforward, without artifice. 这外号倒是直接,也不难懂。
The niddle ceramic roller is made by precise polishing and matched with high-speed bearing so that jump during winding can be minimized to ensure the tension stability. 瓷轮由超精抛光制成,配有高速轴承,使绕线时跳动在很小的范围内,保持了绕线时张力原稳定性。
The niggard contributed little to them. 这个吝啬鬼几乎就没捐钱给他们。
The nigh horse. 左边的那匹马
The night air chilled his bones. 夜间的寒气使他感到冰冷彻骨。

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