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German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) once called architecture “frozen music.” Although that description seems a bit “cold,” it does capture the essence of architecture as an art form.

German officials say the European Union will address claims by Iran's president that(if) the Holocaust is a myth at this week's EU summit. 我真是有点不理解这句话了,到底欧盟是要说这个屠杀是个神话还是要表明,这个屠杀是否是个神话?
German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease. 菲尔绍,鲁道夫1821-1902德国病理学家和医生,以他对细胞理论的贡献和疾病研究而著名
German physicist noted for his contributions to mathematics, acoustics, and the measurement of electrical resistance. 欧姆,格奥尔格·西蒙1789-1854德国物理学家,因其对于数学、声学和电阻测量做出的贡献而著名
German physicist noted for his contributions to the understanding of thermodynamics. 迈尔,尤里乌斯·罗伯特·冯1814-1878德国物理学家,为热力学研究作出很大贡献
German physiologist. He won a1901 Nobel Prize for work on serum immunization against diphtheria and tetanus. 贝林,埃米尔·冯1854-1917德国生理学家,因其在抗白喉与破伤风血清免疫方面的工作获1901年诺贝尔奖
German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) once called architecture “frozen music.” Although that description seems a bit “cold,” it does capture the essence of architecture as an art form. 德国诗人约翰.沃夫刚.歌德(一七四九~一八三二)曾经称建筑学为「冻结的音乐」。
German police have detained two American soldiers over a fire in a town hall in western Germany which investigators believe was arson, a U.S. military spokesman said. 德国警方因德国西部一处镇公所失火而羁押了两名美国士兵,调查人员相信这场火警是纵火,一名美军发言人说。
German political economist and sociologist Max Weber died at 56 on June 14. 1920年6月14日,德国政治经济学家、社会学家马克斯·韦伯逝世,享年56岁。
German prosecutors will be keeping a close eye on Madonna's show there this weekend in case she decides again to wear a crown of fake thorns while performing on a mirrored cross. 德国检察官将密切注视麦当娜这个周末的演出,以防她再次决定戴假的荆棘王冠钉在十字架前来表演。
German researchers say an important enzyme in the SARS pathogen is similar in structure and function to one found in cold-causing rhinoviruses. 德国研究人员说,SARS病原体中一种重要的酶在结构和功能上与一种造成感冒的鼻病毒相似。
German restorers from the International Council on Monuments and Sites have spent two years carefully sorting through the debris from both Buddhas, lifting out the largest sections by crane — some weigh 70, even 90 tons — and placing them under cover, bec 来自「国际纪念碑及遗址委员会」的德国修复人员花了两年时间小心过滤两尊巨佛的残骸,并用怪手运走最大的岩块,有些重达70、甚至90吨重,再把它们覆盖好,因为软岩在雨雪中容易崩解。

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