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Ventilatory function(VC,FVC,FEV.FEV/FVC%)and single breath diffusing capa- city (DLco)of pneumoconiosis patients and 8 coal miners were examined.

Variola virus belongs to the genus of orthopoxvirus, and there are some other infectious members, such as Vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and monkeypox virus. 在正痘病毒属还有另外几种病毒对人具有一定的感染性,如痘苗病毒、牛痘病毒和猴痘病毒。
Various factors, including amount of wheat amylum, cooked rice powder, low protain flour ,baking temperature and baking time were studied in the production process of fragile and smelling goober. 研究了脆香豆加工过程中 ,淀粉、寒梅粉、低筋面粉的添加配方、膨松剂以及烘焙时在不同温度不同烘焙时间下对脆香豆成品品质的影响。
Various schools and styles of modern paintings have provided different design methods for the drawing nature of the posters,and also become the sundry manifestation of it. 现代绘画艺术的各种风格和流派为海报的绘画性提供了丰富多样的设计方法 ,同时也成为海报设计绘画性的不同表现形式。
Venae femoralis is 8 °± ° and arteria 8 °± 8°. The front angle between puncture needle and anterid femoralis. 穿刺两血管的夹角:针矢角,股动脉为8°±°,股静脉8°±8°。
Vendor Selection Method Based on DEA/AHP 基于DEA/AHP的供应商选择方法
Ventilatory function(VC,FVC,FEV.FEV/FVC%)and single breath diffusing capa- city (DLco)of pneumoconiosis patients and 8 coal miners were examined. 作者对例尘肺病人和8例煤矿工人的肺通气功能(VC、FVC、FEV_、FEV_/FVC%)和肺弥散量(DL_(co))进行了测定和研究。
Ventricular Fibrillation is one of the most dangerous fateful Arrhythmia. 心室纤维性颤动,简称心室纤颤或室颤,是最严重的一种致命性心律失常。
Ventricular fibrillation occurred in cases, no reflow was found after PCl in cases, early acute coronary occlusion occurred in and coronary rapture in ,and patients died. 室颤 例 ,PCI后无复流现象 例 ,早期急性冠脉闭塞 例 ,冠脉破裂 例 ,死亡 例。
Ver if Ication of tie Salver Pattern Torsional Weighing Balance,Mode TN-00 TN-00型托盘扭力天平的检定
Vera U(0μg/kg iv),a alkaloid extracted from Veratrum nigrum var.ussuriense,decreased blood viscosity,plasma viscosity and RE in rabbits and high viscosity blooded rats obviously. 乌苏里藜芦碱(VeraU)0μg/kg、 0μg/kgiv能显著降低家兔和高粘血症大鼠的全血粘度、血浆粘度及红细胞聚集指数;
Vernal kerato conjunctivitis in the tor-rid zone of North Africa in 70 cases 苏丹喀土穆地区春季卡他性角结膜炎70例临床分析

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