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Both players were put on display during last night's 6-4 win over hapless Tampa Bay, which once again puts the Yankees' record at .500 (44-44).

Both perspectives, of course, point to the same global phenomenon, which is the essential dialectic of society. 当然这两种观点都指出同样的普世现象—即社会基本的逻辑辩证方法。
Both played 90 minutes of the game in Austria, making centre-back Mancienne an ever-present in the tournament. Left-back Bertrand played all but the first-half of the second game. 在奥地利的比赛中两人均打满全场90分钟,这样,中后卫曼西恩尼在三次欧锦赛中打满了全部比赛,而左后卫伯特兰只有第二次比赛的上半场没上场,其余全都打满了。
Both played a role in the Bounty debacle. 两者在邦迪号的叛乱中都占有一席之地。
Both players are equally good so it's a toss-up (ie impossible to predict) who will win. 那两个运动员不相上下, 谁能取胜还很难说.
Both players full of the utmost respect for each other embraced at the net, and then bowed to the crowd, before doing an on-court interview with John McEnroe. 在与麦肯罗进行场边采访之前,彼此充满崇敬之情的两位选手在网前拥抱,然后向全场观众鞠躬致意。
Both players were put on display during last night's 6-4 win over hapless Tampa Bay, which once again puts the Yankees' record at .500 (44-44). 这两个极端的球员在昨晚都有出赛,以6比4打败不幸的魔鬼鱼队,这让洋基重新站上五成胜率(44胜44败)。
Both players, already at work with Roberto Mancini's squad, were unveiled to the press in Brunico this morning after the first of today's two training sessions. 两名球员都已经随罗伯托·曼奇尼的球队训练,他们在今天两堂训练课的第一堂之后在布鲁尼科被介绍给了媒体。
Both policies failed miserably in the 1970s. 上世纪70年代的两个政策都遭遇了悲惨的失败。
Both positive and negative effects exist along with the strengthening of IPR protection after China's accession to WTO. 摘要入世后加强知识产权保护对我国农业发展的影响利弊并存,农业领域知识产权策略应重在趋利避害。
Both procedures for public peremptory notice and litigation filing have their separate defects in legislative design, it might be wiser for us to take rules concerning providing bills holder with a preemptive right in fulfillment via a guarantee or surety 公示催告、提起诉讼各有其立法缺陷,我们应参照台湾相关立法,将英美法系提起诉讼中失票人通过提供担保优先实现票据权利的优点吸收入公示催告中以克服其各自局限性。
Both processes produce bitumen, which needs extra treatment before it can be refined into petrol. 这两种的处理方法都会会产生沥青,但是要把沥青提炼成石油则还需要额外的处理。

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