Men have higher body temperatures than women. If your heating goes out in winter, I recommend sleeping next to a man. Men are like portable heaters that snore.
男人的体温比女人高。如果你在冬天很怕冷,我建议你和一个男人睡在一起。男人就像会打鼾的便携式加热器。 |
Men have kept pets since ancient times.
从远古时期,人们就开始饲养宠物。 |
Men have no time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship.
人类已经没有时间弄明白事情,他们总是去商店里购买现成的商品。但是,没有一家商店出售友谊,所以,人类不可能有真正的朋友。 |
Men have wiped out malaria.
人类已消灭疟疾。 |
Men in great places are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state; servants of fame; and servants of business.
身居高位者是三重仆人:统治者或国家的仆人,名声的仆人,以及事务的仆人。 |
Men in red walk the Santa beat at Christmastime in Piazza Vittoria.
身着红色的圣诞老人在维多利亚广场进行“圣诞巡查”。 |
Men in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us.
穿着衬衣的男人站在房子外面瞪着我们。 |
Men keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rainforest.
通常,男人的浴室里总放着3种不同的洗发香波。他们沐浴后,浴室就散发着热带雨林的味道。 |
Men knew that they were answerable to God who would judge them for any act of unkindness.
男人知道他们任何不慈爱的行为都将被神所审判。 |
Men know better than to rub their wives the wrong way in the morning and have their heads bitten off, for 6 in 7 women are in a foul mood after waking up.
7个女人中有6个都有“下床气”,所以,先生们都懂得早晨最好不要惹太太生气,免得吃不了兜着走。 |
Men know that they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy.
男人知道他们是性的流放者。他们到处漂泊,寻求洩欲、渴望并且玩弄女性,但却永远不得满足。他们这种凌虐的行径,没有什麽值得女性羡慕的地方。 |