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A roulette wheel pops onto the screen of automatic teller machines when customers of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd finish transferring funds. A lucky spin and the customer wins 1,000 yen ($8.50).

A rose window. 圆花窗,玫瑰花窗
A rotor or rotor blade. 叶轮或叶轮片
A rough idea of the topics to be covered follows. 本课程的大致内容如下列出。
A rough, violent person who engages in destructive actions: mug, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tough. Informal toughie. Slang hood, punk. See attack/defend, crimes. 一个粗野、暴力的人,从事破坏性的行为:杯子、无赖、粗暴而又好争吵的人、流氓、恶棍、卤莽的人、小阿飞。参见“攻击/防卫,罪行”。
A roughly spherical, expanding shock wave is visible in X-rays. 利用X光波段,可以观测到一个大致上呈现球形膨胀的震波。
A roulette wheel pops onto the screen of automatic teller machines when customers of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd finish transferring funds. A lucky spin and the customer wins 1,000 yen ($8.50). 近日,当顾客使用完大垣共立银行的自动取款机后,取款机的屏幕上会显示出一只赌场里赌博用的轮盘。幸运的顾客可以通过转动轮盘赢得1000日元(约合8.5美元)的奖励。
A round and a square table were exhibited in the shop window. 橱窗里展览了一张圆桌和一张方桌。
A round the world ticket allow several stopover. 环球飞机票可允许乘客在途经的几地方稍做逗留。
A rounded eyelike marking, as on the tail of a peacock. 眼状斑点圆形眼状的斑点,如孔雀尾巴上的
A rounded mass or protuberance, such as the fleshy structure on the back of a camel or of some cattle. (驼)峰,隆肉球形的块或隆起,例如骆驼和某些牛背部的肉质组织
A rounded protuberance formed by the bones in a joint. (屈指时)指节膨出部关节中由骨头形成的圆形突出物

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