Glory is largely a theatrical concept. There is no striving for glory without a vivid awareness of an audience.
光荣往往是个戏剧化的概念,没有明确意识到观众的存在,就没有渴求光荣的努力。极而言之,这种观众不必现场目击,也可以是留之于后世的。 |
Glory is the shadow of virtue.
荣誉是美德的影子。 |
Glory just started her second cycle chemo today . She is doing OK, just have some normal side effect. She needs rest and your prayer.
文筠今天正接受第二期化疗,这次只需四天,若没发烧便不需住院.她除了一些正常的药物副作用外精神也算不错,谢谢你们的祷告. |
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
14在至高之处荣耀归与神,在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人。(有古卷作喜悦归与人)。 |
Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, goodwill towards men.
在至高之处荣耀归于上帝,在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人。 |
Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for what He has done for us. He is the head and the leader for this ministries and this site.
荣耀归于我们的主耶稣基督!他是恩泉音乐事工和恩泉音乐事工网站的缔造者和带领者。 |
Glory to you! We exclaim with a joyful soul.
到你的光荣﹗我们与欢乐的灵魂呼喊。 |
Glory will be with China forever.
光荣永远属于我们伟大的中国! |
Gloss is an optical term that describes a surface's ability to reflect light.
封釉是一个光学上的术语,它是反射表面光源的一种叫法。 |
Gloss of forming products can be improved and its quality is stable.
能改善成形产品的光泽,质量稳定。 |
Glossary by the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology of Soka University. It has very detailed tables, guides and indexes. File size is more than 27MB.
第1巻)》;缩略语表、符号表、索引均非常仔细,使用时请多参考做得很认真的用法说明,词典档超过27MB,下载会较需时。 |