Vistakon's speedy response engendered goodwill in the marketplace .
卫康公司的迅速反应使其在销售市场建立了良好的商业信誉。 |
Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.
但是来访者都被它独创性的建筑风格和奇异的布局所吸引。 |
Visual acuity returned to 6/6 with correction 4 days later.
而且视力在四日后可矫正至1.0。 |
Visual appearance is affected by the format of the document.
段落的形式是与公文的格式有关的。 |
Visual diff tools are indispensable.
视窗比较工具是不可缺少的工具。 |
Visual field testing showed bilat. upper-nasal constriction and relative central scotoma.
视野有明显的鼻侧上部缺陷。 |
Visual harassment laser systems. These deliver blurred vision, holographs and so on to disorientate the target and/or experiment; victims' reactions being monitored to study how best to controltargets.
视觉干扰激光系统。这些传递视觉,全息影象等以迷惑目标以及/或进行试验,受害者的反映被监测者研究如何更好的“控制”对象。 |
Visual inspection for the surface quality of equipment and weld seams. Review the manufacture’s reports.
目视检查设备和焊缝的外表面质量。检查制造厂的自检报告。 |
Visual look and feel improvements.
用户界面的视觉效果有所改进。 |
Visual model building and mind mappingwith the Network Editor tool.
视觉模型的建设和心智地图的网络编辑工具. |
Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats.
视觉系统发展出中央窝是最为人所熟知的例子,而听觉系统同样也可以有中央窝,美国密苏里州华盛顿大学的菅乃武男已经以髭蝠为例,漂亮地证实了这一点。 |