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Several schools and labs showed off technologies developed for military customers interested in fresh thinking on biological and chemical warfare defense and other national security areas.

Several recent studies have demonstrated that mice genetically engineered to contain human genes that predispose to Alzheimer's display various abnormalities in neurogenesis. 最近几项研究已经指出,将小鼠基因改造为含有人类易于发生阿兹海默症的基因后,会出现各种神经新生的异常状况。
Several regression models, with an independent variable of sea surface geostrophic current, were set up to simulate the real trajectories of drifters. 对南海中伴随涡旋运动的2个浮标模拟试验显示,诸多模型中以海表地转流、风海流及背景流为自变量的回归模型模拟浮标漂流轨迹效果较好。
Several reserves, most notably Jeff McInnis, said they were unhappy and confused with their roles. 若干替补队员,尤其是杰夫·麦基尼斯,对他们在队里的任务感到困惑和不满。
Several retailers could be targeted, following independent lab tests for bromate in private label bottled water brands they sell. 本案将针对部分零售商,对其所销售的瓶装水品牌进行独立试验。
Several scholars have already come forward, calling the claims unfounded and contradictory to basic tenets of Christianity. 一些学者也发表了自己的看法,声称这样的说法是没有根据的,而且与基督教的基本教义相违背。
Several schools and labs showed off technologies developed for military customers interested in fresh thinking on biological and chemical warfare defense and other national security areas. 好些学校及实验室展示了为军方客户所发展的科技;军方对于生化战剂的防御以及其他国家安全领域的创新想法很感兴趣。
Several series of lithium battery products have been researched and developed, such as lithium ion battery, lithium thionyl chloride battery and lithium manganese dioxide battery. with dozens of types including rectangular battery, cylindric battery and b 研究室技术力量雄厚,始终跟踪国际前沿技术,研制开发了锂亚硫酰氯原电池系列、锂锰原电池和锂离子蓄电池等多种系列的锂电池产品,有方形、圆柱形、硬币式等几十种规格。
Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner's funeral. 好几个严厉的联邦将军在矿工的葬礼上喝了矿泉水。
Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane. 由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。
Several shortcuts that reduce the search space can be found in the paper. 此外,论文还介绍了几种可用于缩小搜索空间(查找空间)的捷径。
Several small businesses are planning to consolidate to form a large powerful company. 几家小企业正计划合并成一家实力雄厚的大公司。

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