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It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere.

It relies on the laboratory of the University of California in the United States, not only holding advanced product process in American and engaging in the ultramodern biology gene engineering research, but also introducing the most outlying scientific te 公司以美国加州大学实验室为依托,拥有美国先进的生产工艺,从事尖端生物基因工程研究,将国际最前沿的科技及产品引进中国。
It relies on trust, and a good memory for favours given and received, but is otherwise not much different from simultaneous collaboration (such as a wolf pack hunting) in that the benefit exceeds the cost for all parties involved. 这种形式下的行为依赖的是相互信任,对自己所施与和得到的好处有个好的记忆,但是这与即时协作没有多少的区别(如在狩猎中运用狼群战术),原因是个人的既得利益是高于所有参与人所做出的施舍。
It relies on two things — the power of the stomach to regulate the timing of other events, and the pharmacological actions of coffee. 这两种激素的分泌时间通常间隔七八个小时,但如果人体在(当地)清晨很早到达目的地并且尽快睡觉,这两种激素将会同时分泌。
It remained there for weeks on end. 这一放又是好几个星期。
It remains a major problem in tropical countries, where it spreads through human waste used to fertilize crops. 在热带国家,这仍是一大问题,因为钩虫会随著用来为谷物施肥的人类排泄物传播疾病。
It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere. 蓝山也一直是马达加斯加和世界各地朝圣者前往朝拜的地方。
It remains an arduous historical task in the process of our modernization drive to accomplish industrialization. 实现工业化仍然是我国现代化进程中艰巨的历史性任务。
It remains an odd way for markets to work. 市场的操作方式仍然很奇怪。
It remains controversial in screening the urological disorders based on the results of positive urine dipstick test. 而其专一度则较低,代表了尿液测量试纸有较高的假阳性率。
It remains in the interests of many governments—not least those who wish to deter American interference with their own regimes—to paint its consequences in the starkest colours. 极力宣扬伊战的消极影响符合许多国家的利益,并非仅限于那些依靠本国政权抵抗美国干涉的国家,他们都故意对此事的后果添油加醋夸大其辞。
It remains to be see who will be the victor in the contest. 谁将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。

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