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In a negative index material (NIM), the peaks and troughs of an electromagnetic wave travel backward even though the energy of the wave continues to travel forward.

In a nation of gadget lovers, a ban on reselling old appliances has everyone from musicians and artists to thrift shop owners up in arms. 对于一个国家的小器具爱好者,关于转售旧器具的禁令引起了从音乐家和艺术家到旧货店主的竭力反对。
In a national autonomous area, the organ exercising autonomy may decide to use at the same time the language of the minority nationality concerned or to choose one of the languages commonly used in the area, depending on the specific local condition. 民族自治地方的自治机关根据本地区的实际情况,可以决定同时使用本民族的文字或者选用一种当地通用的民族文字。
In a nationally-broadcast speech, Cuban leader Fidel Castro declares that he is a Marxist-Leninist and that Cuba is going to adopt Communism. 1961年,在一次对全国转播的演讲中,古巴领导人菲德尔·卡斯特罗声称他是一个马克斯-列宁主义分子,并且古巴将接受共产主义。
In a natural algorithm, the number 2 is less than the number 10. In computer sorting, 10 is less than 2, because the first number in 10is less than 2. 在“自然运算法则”中,2比10小。在计算机序列当中,10比2小,因为“10”中的第一个数字是“1”,它小于2。
In a near-exact repeat of events last summer, talks in Potsdam, Germany, between the four partners at the centre of the so-called Doha round of negotiations – the EU, US, Brazil and India – broke up with sides still far apart on cutting agricultural subsi 多哈回合谈判核心四伙伴(欧盟、美国、巴西和印度)在德国波茨坦的谈判几乎是去年夏季情形的重演,与会各方在削减农业补贴和商品关税问题上仍存在严重分歧,最终导致谈判破裂。
In a negative index material (NIM), the peaks and troughs of an electromagnetic wave travel backward even though the energy of the wave continues to travel forward. 在负折射率材料中,电磁波的波峰和波谷将朝相反方向行进,但波的能量仍向前行进。
In a neighbourhood where everyone said exactly what he thought as soon as he thought it, Ashley's quality of reserve was exasperating. 在一个人人都想到什么就说什么的地区,阿希礼的内向品质是令人恼火的。
In a network, a route between any two nodes. 网络中任意两个网点之间的一段路由。
In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control. 在网络中,指由数据链路连接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。
In a new audiotape released Friday, Al-Qaida in Iraq claims that it has mobilized 12,000 fighters. 在星期五发布一盘新的录音磁带中,伊拉克的基地组织声称他们已经调动了12,000名好站分子。
In a new century, this paper present a brief summarize, thus providing something for readers. 新千年伊始,本文略作综述,以飨读者。

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