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There are around 18 species of penguin in the world, but none of the others offer a pebble as a token of their love.

There are analogies also with Egyptian and Mesopotamian thought. It was only with the rise of Christianity, however, that Gnostic syncretism came to full expression. 类似的也发现在埃及人和美索不达米亚人的思想里,它开始了基督教的兴起,然而,灵知的汇合进入了一种完全的表达上。
There are animals which can reproduce a lost part of their bodies. 有些动物能使身体上失去的某部分再生。
There are approximately 1,000,000 people in the city. 全市人口估计大约有一百万。
There are approximately 21 million Americans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes -- a disease characterized by inadequate control of blood sugar. 美国大约有2千1百万的Ⅱ型糖尿病患者,该病的主要特点是血糖水平失控。
There are approximately 600 lakes in that region. 那个地区大约有六百个湖泊。
There are around 18 species of penguin in the world, but none of the others offer a pebble as a token of their love. 世界上大有18种企鹅,但除了埃德里企鹅,其它企鹅都不会用鹅卵石来表白爱情。
There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt now. 现在埃及大约有80座金字塔。
There are around 8000 daily newspapers worldwide. 全世界约有8000种日报。
There are around/round/about fifty people there. 那儿有大约五十人。
There are artful artists and awful artists, although there are a lot of awesome artful artists, annoying awful artists' occur more often. 有精明的艺术巧匠,也有糟糕透顶的艺人,虽然有许多技艺惊人的能工巧手,令人恼火又可怕的艺术家更是处处可见。
There are artificial leather refinement packing,canvas refinement packing,ABS innocuity plastic packing,canvas common packing,artificial leather common packing. 产品的包装主要分为:人造皮革精包装、人造皮革普通包装、帆布精包装、帆布普通包装及ABS无毒塑料包装等。

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