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I expect you'll notice that all over the city the cars are left with their wheels turned towards the side walk so that they can't roll away.

I expect to operate computers. 我希望操作电脑。
I expect to take modern languages. 我将选修现代语言学。
I expect to take the linguistic course. 我想学语言学课程。
I expect you have been to Europe. 我想您去过欧洲吧。
I expect you to be punctual. 我要求你准时。
I expect you'll notice that all over the city the cars are left with their wheels turned towards the side walk so that they can't roll away. 虽然旧金山人喜欢乘车代步,可是你也许会喜欢爬上坡度很大的街道。
I expect your coming back. 我期待你的归来。
I expectation to meet you. 我期望见到你。
I expected a small city with not too much people and fairly organized communities, but I was far from right. 我原本期待温哥华是一个没有太多人口、并且社区规划良好的小城市;但我是大错特错了。
I expected him to look better. 我觉得他应该看上去更入眼些。
I expected she wouldn't pass the entrance examination. 以下括号内的句子比较不自然,但是也是可能出现的。

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