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Still, Cox is skeptical of the success of voluntary programs. “Voluntary disclosure is the status quo, so what's the difference?”

Still worse is what it does to your hand and wrist. 更糟糕的是,这坏习惯伤害你的手和手腕关节。
Still worse would be a retreat from the war in Iraq into isolationism and from openness into protectionism. 更糟糕的是,从伊拉克战争抽身而退,转而采取孤立主义,并从开放转向保护主义。
Still, 9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world. 尽管如此,9/11、禽流感及伊朗提醒我们,更小更快的世界决不意味着其更安全。
Still, America bans almost all forms of wagering when it happens by phone or internet, on the grounds of protecting “public morals”. 而美国仍然以保护社会道德为理由,禁止任何形式的电话或者网络赌博的发生。
Still, Chinese Internet ads are a valuable commodity. 但中国的互联网广告毕竟是一块价值不菲的蛋糕。
Still, Cox is skeptical of the success of voluntary programs. “Voluntary disclosure is the status quo, so what's the difference?” 尽管如此,柯克斯对于这项自愿性计画能否成功依旧感到怀疑。
Still, Dima, now at college, is relatively lucky. 不过,如今身居大学的迪玛还算相对幸运。
Still, EarthScope's future is uncertain. 不过,地球镜的未来却仍然充满了变量。
Still, Humans are resourceful, and when organized they manage to be more efficient in their production of goods than most races. 同时,人类也是足智多谋的生物,当他们聚集在一起,他们的工作效率超过了许多其他的种族。
Still, Hyundai executives returned home with growing fears that their Chinese rivals are closing the technological and design gap with South Korea - a development that could be disastrous for the company. 然而,现代汽车的高管回到韩国后,越来越担心中国竞争对手正在科技和设计方面缩小与韩国的差距,对该公司而言,这种发展可能是灾难性的。
Still, I am strongly in favour of being less sedentary. 不过,我还是强烈建议我们不要老是久坐不动。

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