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Monks are difficult, they are martial arts experts and should not use body armour or eat meat.

Monkeys are imitative. 猴子爱模仿。
Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. 在动物世界中猴子是我们最近的亲戚了。
Monkeys likes to eat bananas. 猴子喜欢吃香蕉。
Monkeys lurking at an ancient Hindu temple in India's northeast have attacked up to 300 children over three weeks. 印度阿萨姆邦首府高哈蒂市的卡马加庙中,有一群猴子频频袭击过往的儿童,在最近的3周的时间里它们已经攻击了大约300名儿童。
Monkeys, horses, dogs and cats. 猴子,马,狗和猫。
Monks are difficult, they are martial arts experts and should not use body armour or eat meat. 僧侣:是个困难的角色,他们是武术高手而且不能穿戴锴甲,或是吃肉。
Monks are leading simple, austere lives. 僧侣们过着清苦的生活。
Monks first planted vine in Clos de Vougeot in the 12th century. Nowadays, protected by a wall of stones, Clos de Vougeot is the largest grand cru area in Burgundy. 最早12世纪,僧侣在伏旧园种植葡萄。现在通过石墙的保护,伏旧园成为布根地产区最大的等级。
Monks in their cowls shall be forced into marriage, and their lamentation will be heard on the mountain peaks of the Alps. 披着斗篷的修道士会被迫结婚,他们的悲叹会在阿尔卑斯山的山顶上听见。
Monkseaton High school is an ordinary statefunded school of 850 students in the unfashionable part of northeastern England. 芒克西顿中学是一所有850名学生的普通公立学校,它位于英格兰东北部一个并不时髦的地方。
Monkseaton has, in turn, attracted students from other countries, including Germany and Latvia (and, for that matter, America). 反过来,芒克西顿中学也吸引了其他国家的学生,包括德国和拉脱维亚(确实也还有美国)。

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