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The book teaches learners strategies for understanding American English conversation.

The book should be read by fully understanding this Marxist theoretical character. 理解《江泽民文选》,应透彻领悟这种马克思主义的理论品格。
The book slid off my knee. 书从我膝上滑落。
The book slides from my knee down. 书从我的膝上滑掉下去了。
The book superintendence system is a classical information management system( MIS), it develops the establishment and maintenances and the front end application programs of the cardinal including postscenium data nbank to develop two sides. 图书管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。
The book takes its title from the name of a national hero. 这本书以一位民族英雄的名字命名。
The book teaches learners strategies for understanding American English conversation. 指引学习者如何从所听到的内容中选取重要的讯息与意义。
The book tells about Mark Twain's writings and about his life as well. 这本书既谈了马克吐温的作品,也谈了他的生平。
The book that offers a plausible scenario for that has yet to be written. 书中提到了一个似是而非的方案,而且还是拾人牙慧。
The book then turns to law and legal thought as a source of such tools. 接着,本书转向法律和法律思想,把它们作为这些工具的一个提供者。
The book told a pack of lies. 这本书是一大堆谎言。
The book traced a causal relationship between the rate of monetary growth and the price level. 这本书细致地描绘了货币供应变化和通胀的水平因果关系。

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