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Don't worry! It's not hard!

Don't worry sis. I'm in no hurry to come back. Tomorrow we are going camping. 别担心,妹妹。我一点也不急著回来。我们明天要去露营。
Don't worry too much about Sylvia's shyness with strangers, she'll grow out of it in time. 你不必担心西尔维亚在生人面前怕羞,她长大以后就会好的。
Don't worry too much about color in your prototype. Use a single color. It's simpler, and it won't distract attention from the important issues. Needless to say, don't use yellow. 不用过多担心你的原型的色彩。用单色,这样更简洁,它不会在重要的流程上分散注意力。不用说,不要使用黄色。
Don't worry we'll get it done. 不要担心,我们会做的。
Don't worry what he thinks, his opinion doesn't carry much weight. 别担心他怎麽想的,他的意见没有多少份量。
Don't worry! It's not hard! 不要担心!不是太难!
Don't worry! Plenty of gas stations offer services around the clock. (别担心!很多加油站都提供二十四小时的服务。)
Don't worry! We still have enough time. 别着急!我们还有一些时间呢!
Don't worry! We still have little time. 别着急!我们还有一些时间呢!
Don't worry, Doctor, I'll be calm and relaxed. 不要担心,大夫,我会冷静放松下来的。
Don't worry, I understand. 别担心,我了解了。

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