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In front of the person you love,your heart beats faster.

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster. 站在你爱的人面前,你心跳加快。
In front of the person you love,winter seems like sprong. 面对心爱的人,冬天就像是春天。
In front of the person you love,you can't say everything on your mind. (与你爱的人双眸相碰,你脸红心跳。与你喜欢的人目光相接,你只是微笑。)
In front of the person you love,you cant say everything on your mind. 面对心爱的人,你不能说出心中的一起。
In front of the person you love,your heart beats faster,but in front of the person you like,you get happy. 面对你爱的人,你心跳加速。而面对你喜欢的人,你觉得惬意。
In front of the person you love,your heart beats faster. 面对心爱的人,你的心跳会加速。
In front of them was a wall marked 50. 在他们面前是一堵标有“50”字样的墙。
In front of this heavyprice, our family spiritless. 在这个沉重的代价面前,我们家死气沉沉的.
In frustration he began to shout, I'll fight anyone who will sit down with me! 于是,失望之下,他吼了起来:谁想坐下和我打?
In fuggy summer, the wind from the worn proof brings a bit of cool here. 闷热的夏日,来自房顶的自然风为这里带来清凉。
In function,we tries our best to follow the basic function of the traditional Induction cooker, the consistency guaranteeing to be operated, the discomfort which users that the replacement preventing the function of the products from being designed brings 在功能方面,电磁炉尽量沿袭了传统电磁炉的基本功能,保证操作的一致性,避免产品功能设计的更替带来的用户使用的不适和误操作,在此基础上优化烹饪效果,使之真正成为全能型厨房家电产品;在操作界面方面,将继承人性化的自然匹配操作界面设计思想,进一步改进操作界面的合理性,同时引入VFD、液晶等界面显示技术,让消费者使用更加简便。

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