In simple terms, you will now be able to get more than one charge out of a unit and you will be able to charge skirmishers with your lance down.
换句话说,你将可以用一个单位来反复冲锋,而且在追逐散兵的时候也可以平举长矛发动冲锋。 |
In simple words, Peter is not talking to people saved for some time, but to newly repentant converts.
简单而言,彼得不是向一些已经相信了一段时间的人演说,而是对一些刚刚悔改的人而说的。 |
In simpler terms, it is kinesiologically incorrect to attempt to develop maximal propulsive forces with the body rolled beyond 45 degrees.
简单来说,试图以超过45度的身体滚动来获得最大化的推进力的尝试是错误的。 |
In simplest sexual terms, China became modern when it abolished bound feet and polygamy.
以最简单的性别词汇来说,当中国废除了缠足与一夫多妻制,它就迈向现代化。 |
In simulation of bursting and it's restitution, modulation of streak is used to distinguish the bursting area.
模拟了三维物体的动态破裂过程,用调制度作为物体破裂区域判断的依据,最后给出了物体破裂过程的恢复结果。 |
In sin, fellowship with God and with his brother are broken.
然后,当自由被滥用时,它就成为了基督徒当重担了。 |
In single crook we change the density of charge in crook to adjust the velocity profile.
电渗驱动下弯道引起的弯道内外径速度差可以通过改变弯道形状和电渗强度的方法进行改善。 |
In singleplayer games, a group of friends may socialize simply by taking turns on the game and have a good time, laughing, cheering each other on, or making fun of each other's mistakes.
在单人游戏中,玩家们可以仅仅通过回合制轮流玩得方式来体验社交,开心大笑,相互鼓励,或者相互取笑等等。 |
In situ studies on the time-dependent degradation of recombinant corn DNA and protein in the bovine rumen.
牛瘤胃中的关于再组合玉米DNA和蛋白质的非定常退化的原处研究。 |
In situation like this, she wish she have a gun or some lethal weapon.
在这种情况下,她真希望自己有一把枪或什么致命武器。 |
In situations in which Microsoft has provided a class driver for your type of hardware, your minidriver will dynamically link to the class driver.
微软已经为你的硬件中类提供了一类驱动的情况下,你的迷你驱动将动态链接到这类驱动。 |