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Article 34 When audit institutions conduct audit, the auditees shall not transfer, conceal, falsify or destroy their accounting documents, account books, accounting statements or other information relating to their budgetary revenues and expenditures or f

Article 34 The departments and personnel thereof conducting supervision and inspection on the accounting documents of the relevant units according to law shall have the obligation of keeping confidentiality of the State secret and commercial secret obtain 第三十五条各单位必须依照有关法律、行政法规的规定,接受有关监督检查部门依法实施的监督检查,如实提供会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告和其他会计资料以及有关情况,不得拒绝、隐匿、谎报。
Article 34 The financial institution as referred to in this Law shall mean statutory banks, commercial banks, Credit Cooperative, postal savings and remittances institutions, trust &investment companies, securities companies, futures brokerage companies, 第三十四条本法所称金融机构,是指依法设立的从事金融业务的政策性银行、商业银行、信用合作社、邮政储汇机构、信托投资公司、证券公司、期货经纪公司、保险公司以及国务院反洗钱行政主管部门确定并公布的从事金融业务的其他机构。
Article 34 The husband may not apply for divorce when his wife is pregnant or within one year after giving birth to a child or within six months after terminating gestation. 第三十四条女方在怀孕期间、分娩后一年内或中止妊娠后六个月内,男方不得提出离婚。
Article 34 The term proof of tax payment certificateas stated inArticle22 of the Tax Administration Law shall refer to the various types of tax paid certificates, tax memos, revenue stamps, withholding certificates and other documentation of tax payment. 第三十四条税收征管法第二十二条所称完税凭证,是指各种完税证、缴款书、印花税票、扣(收)税凭证以及其他完税证明。
Article 34 The trustee shall be responsible for paying trust benefits to the beneficiaries within the limit of the trust property. 第三十四条受托人以信托财产为限向受益人承担支付信托利益的义务。
Article 34 When audit institutions conduct audit, the auditees shall not transfer, conceal, falsify or destroy their accounting documents, account books, accounting statements or other information relating to their budgetary revenues and expenditures or f 第三十四条审计机关进行审计时,被审计单位不得转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,不得转移、隐匿所持有的违反国家规定取得的资产。
Article 34 When motor vehicles are driven in urban areas, motor vessels are navigated along inland rivers in urban areas, and locomotives are running through or entering urban areas or sanatorium areas, their sound-making apparatus must be used in complia 第三十四条机动车辆在城市市区范围内行驶,机动船舶在城市市区的内河航道航行,铁路机车驶经或者进入城市市区、疗养区时,必须按照规定使用声响装置。
Article 34 When the endorser writes the term “non-transferable” on the bill and his subsequent party re endorses and transfers it, the original endorser shall not bear any responsibility for any guarantees made to the subsequent party's endorsee. 第三十四条背书人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样,其后手再背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。
Article 34 Where a realty or chattel is under an unauthorized possession, the right holder may require the returning of the original object. 第三十四条无权占有不动产或者动产的,权利人可以请求返还原物。
Article 34 Where an endorser writes non - negotiableon a bill of exchange and his subsequent party negotiates it by endorsement, the endorser shall not bear responsibility for guaranty to the endorsee of the said subsequent party. 第三十四条背书人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样,其后手再背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。
Article 34 Where an enterprise that does not hold a special license for the tobacco monopoly operation enterprise engages in the import and export of tobacco monopoly commodities, the consignment for sale of foreign tobacco products, or the purchase and s 第三十四条无特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证经营烟草专卖品进出口业务、外国烟草制品寄售业务或者免税的外国烟草制品购销业务的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门责令停止经营上述业务,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

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