The Czech foreign minister accused Russia bluntly of “blackmail”.
捷克外长也谴责俄国在进行赤裸裸的“讹诈”。 |
The Czech international fractured his skull at Reading in October after a collision with Stephen Hunt and was expected to miss the remainder of the season.
这位捷克球星在10月对雷丁的比赛与亨特相撞头盖骨断裂之后,错失掉整季剩余的比赛。 |
The Czech midfielder is struggling with the hamstring injury that caused him to sit out last weekend's game with Fulham.
捷克中场由于腿伤而错过了上周末对富勒姆的比赛,永贝里也是由于同样的原因没能参加那场比赛。 |
The Czech shot-stopper received the award at the draw for the UEFA Champions League after seeing off competition from the likes of Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina.
这位捷克门神击败了利物浦的雷纳当选了当选了上赛季欧洲冠军联赛最佳门将。 |
The Czechoslovakia Federal Assembly votes to split the country into the Czech Republic and Slovakia starting on January 1, 1993.
1992年,捷克斯洛伐克联邦全体投票将国家一分为二成捷克共和国和斯洛伐克,自1993年1月1日起生效。 |
The D-P method estimates the relative tooling, material ,and processing costs of an injection molded part from look-up tables!
方法从整体上评估相关的模具,材料和射出件的加工费. |
The D70 has two sets of firmware, A and B. This upgrade affects only the B firmware.
D70有设置了两个固件,本次升级针对的是固件B. |
The D9B can be equipped with a power take-off designed for propeller shaft operation or direct-mounted hydraulic pumps.
D9B可提供适用于驱动轴运转或直接安装式液压泵的动力输出。 |
The DA hammered at him for two days.
审讯的这两天,检察官不断地击锤打断安迪的话。 |
The DA in the Duke lacrosse case has been suspended.
杜克大学的曲棍球队员强奸案的地方检查官已经被停职。 |
The DAB had said it would oppose the abolition plan.
民建联原本表示会反对杀局。 |