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Sometimes words hurt more than swords.

Sometimes when my dad and brother talked about medicine at the dinner table I would be absent-minded. 有时候父兄在饭桌上讨论着医药科学,我总是心不在焉,身边的妈咪看出端倪,一句『力宏,有没有注意听?』
Sometimes when performing the ANA test, the substrate cells demonstrate particular patterns of staining. This is the so-called rimpattern that is more characteristic of SLE. 抗核抗体检测时底物细胞显出特殊的染色模式.图示:核膜型(周边型),是大多数SLE患者具有的特点.
Sometimes when we lose ourselves in fear and despair , in routine and constancy , in hopelessness and tragedy . 有时,当我们在绝望中迷失,在规律与不变中迷失;在无望与悲剧中迷失。
Sometimes when you play, you hit a note or chord, and your facial and body expressions contort to match the audio expression. 有时当你演奏时,你击出一个音符或和弦,你的面部和身体表情会扭曲以配合听觉的表达。
Sometimes when you're all wrapped up in your own head, doing the things that you are determined to do, you miss a chance to connect with other people. 有时候,当你自己规划好一切,作那些你决心要做的事情,却错失了和他人交流的机会。
Sometimes words hurt more than swords. 言语能伤人,有时胜刀剑。
Sometimes worldly rulers draw on religious symbolism to enforce their authority, impress their subjects or legitimise war. 有些时候,世俗统治者利用宗教符号来强化其权威,打动其子民或是让战争合法化。
Sometimes writing a Response Letter is even more powerful than writing a Love Letter. 有时候,写回应信比写情书更有力。
Sometimes you are close to going out in Q2 and then you fight for pole in Q3. 有时候你在第二阶段的时候接近被淘汰,但之后你却在第三阶段为杆位而战。
Sometimes you are overly frank. 有时候你太直率了。
Sometimes you can be so bull-headed! 你有时候真固执!

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