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However, bowel injuries resulting in ulcer, fistula, stricture, and malabsorption are potential life-threatening complications, which can impact the quality of life.

However, beware the Mad Bunny. 但一定要提防疯狂兔子。
However, big game, if allowed to increase to an excessive degree, can be their own worst enemy. 然而,如果大型的野生动物繁衍超过一定限度,它们将成为自己最大的敌人。
However, bile may also accumulate in liver (called cholestasis) when there is hepatocyte injury. 但肝细胞损伤时,胆汁在肝脏中积聚(称为胆汁淤积)。
However, both branches of the templar tradition share the ability to merge their souls to form a deadly archon. 不过,这两个神族的分支都保留了将灵魂融合的能力,融合之后就会出现一种可怕的单位——执政官。
However, both the seller and buyer should be aware that they may have insurable interest in the goods and prudence dictates purchase of insurance coverage. 然而买卖双方应该明白,他们在货物上有可保利益存在,基于谨慎原则要购买保险。
However, bowel injuries resulting in ulcer, fistula, stricture, and malabsorption are potential life-threatening complications, which can impact the quality of life. 然而,体外放射治疗胃肠道伤害引起消化道溃疡、瘻管、狭窄及吸收不良等威胁生命的并发症,而且也直接影响病人的生活品质。
However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. 不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,因为当时没有任何比赛规则,职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受重伤,甚至丧命。
However, by 2001, none of the existing technologies provided adequate sensitivity, low white noise levels, or safe electro-magnetic emissions. 然而,在2001年以前,已有的技术都不能达到应有的敏感度,抗白噪音能力,及电磁发射安全性。
However, by 2100,the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light! 到2100年,具备一半光速的航天飞机只需几个小时就能到达了.
However, by textual research and comparison between the two Chinese translations and The Fabric of Andreas Vesalius (1514~1564), the author finds that the two translations reflect the anatomic system of Vesalius. 文章分析了两部译著的文本内容,认为这两部书都不是完整的解剖学著作,二者合起来才构成一部完整的西方解剖学著作。
However, by the time a lightning strike has traveled through the distribution network, surge arrestors will have dissipated a proportion of the charge, network impedance will have shaped the impulse and the residual energy can be represented in terms of i 然而,雷击经过电力网络进行传送以后,避雷放电器会将一部分能量泄放掉,网络的阻抗也会对电涌进行修整,而残余的能量将可以以它的波形来体现,其峰值电流也就是建筑物进入端将会出现的情况。

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