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Such subtlety as this, however, was often unnecessary.

Such stunts happen at the murkier end of internet commerce: for instance, to extort money from an online casino. 这些绝招之所以能奏效源于电子商务中存在错误的漏洞-比如,可以向网络夜总会赌场进行敲诈金钱。
Such subglottic ulcers are produced with prolonged endotracheal intubation in which the cuff of the endotracheal tube fits too tight. 这样的声门下溃疡是可由长期的气管内插管造成的,往往见于插管过紧。
Such subjects are not within the scope of my mind. 这些问题不在本书论及的范围之内。
Such subtle cause-and-effect relations among large shocks were not thought to exist—and never played into seismic forecasting—until now. 从过去到现在,在大规模的地震里,如此轻微的因果关系被视为是不存在的,而且在地震预测上从未被注意。
Such subtleties may not matter much to the headline writers. 或许对报刊记者来说,这种微妙的联系意义不大。
Such subtlety as this, however, was often unnecessary. 实际上,常常不必如此设局。
Such super pumpkins are often shown at agricultural fairs. 如此庞大的南瓜经常在农业交易会上展示。
Such supplements or modifications shall be the constituent of his bid documents. 补充、修改的内容为投标文件的组成部分。
Such system allows the user to configure the circuit arbitrarily. 该系统具有用户可以对电路进行任意组态等特点。
Such systems are not recommended for stand-alone diagnosis, but they appear to improve sensitivity for detecting small cancers by radiologists. 这些系统在单独诊断时不建议使用,但可以提高放射科医师发现小型癌症的敏感度。
Such tactics work best in markets with high rates of churn, where customers jump readily from one operator to the next. 类似的策略在用户频频更换服务商的高离网率市场是最有效的。

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