For Earth and your creation, this is also so.
对地球和你们的造物而言,也是如此。 |
For Earth this is a joyous moment.
这是地球一个欢乐的时刻。 |
For Earth, 2003 will signify the return of harmony and synthesis to a greater level than ever before.
对地球而言,2003年标志着和谐与综合回归到比以前更大的水平。 |
For Earth, 2004 shall anchor compassion as a global truth.
对地球而言,2004年将锚定同情为一个全球真相。 |
For Earth, 2018 and after entry into the Photon Belt, this will be a major goal accomplished!
对地球而言,2018年及进入光子带之后,这就是所完成的一个大目标! |
For Earth, Owl is gifted at seeing into the unconscious.
对地球而言,猫头鹰擅长于检查无意识的天赋。 |
For Earth, those species designated to Evolution in Action will take a forefront command position to assist the whole of the consensus to move up in vibration, smoothing out any and all discord, so that entry into the photon belt may be assured and effort
对地球而言,那些指定为进化行动的物种将承担最前线的位置,帮助一致实相整体提高振动并缓解任何不和谐,以确保进入光子带顺利并相对容易。 |
For Ecotech to go deeper, it is necessary to give full expression to the concerns and demands of the business communities.
亚太经济技术合作要走向深入,就应该充分反映工商界的要求和关切。 |
For England also, with the European Championship qualifiers away to Israel and Andorra to come at the end of next month, losing their captain would be a serious setback in what is proving to be a troublesome campaign.
对英格兰来说,下月底要面对欧洲杯的对手以色列和安道尔,如果失去队长的话,对出线有些不利。 |
For English language FOSS development, South Asia can realistically compete with Europe and the United States today.
对于基于英语的自由/开源软件开发,今天的南亚与欧美国家可以同场较量。 |
For English teachers it's a breeze.
要当英语老师,那不费吹灰之力。 |