One of the first movies ever made was of a sneeze. Thomas Edison filmed his assistant sneezing in 1894.
据闻历史上第一部电影甚至与打喷嚏有关。在1894年托马斯.埃德生拍摄的他的助手连连打喷嚏的电影。 |
One of the first rules you hear about managing your finances is to always have accessible cash in the event you're are laid off, injured, or some other catastrophe takes away your ability to earn a living.
进行理财的第一原则就是保留一部分钱,以备不时之需,比如你被解雇了、受伤、或者遇到其它意外灾害,这时这笔钱能够保你的命。 |
One of the first things I learned was that I would not be allowed to study his skeleton, which would remain buried.
我所得知的第一个条件是:我不能研究他的骨头,因为我们不能动他的坟墓。 |
One of the first things that dawn on students in their freshman year of university is that getting good marks is a totally different ①kettle of fish to when they were at school.
学生在其大学第一年中首先要明白的事情之一便是,与他们以前在学校时不同,得高分完全是另一码事。 |
One of the first things you notice in the charming old neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (such as the antique and tango district of San Telmo) is that even the doors are unique, each one having a personality of its own.
在布宜诺斯艾利斯那迷人的老市区,(比如因古玩与探戈舞而出名的圣·泰勒牟区)最先引起你注意的一件事就是,甚至那里的门都不同凡响,每扇都有自己的个性。 |
One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us.
有一艘渔船在我们后面沉没了。 |
One of the foremost American psychologists of the time William James (see photo) (1842-1910) called for a serious study of paranormal phenomena.
当时美国最著名的心理学家之一,威廉·詹姆斯(1842-1910),号召对超常现象进行严肃的研究。 |
One of the founding fathers of the internet has predicted the end of traditional television.
一位“互联网之父”日前预言:传统的电视时代将结束。 |
One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the eighth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is one of the largest satellites in the solar system.
木卫三木星四颗最亮的卫星之一,距木星的远近程度是第八位。最早伽利略观察到,是太阳系最大的卫星之一 |
One of the frailties of human nature is laziness.
人性的弱点之一是懒惰。 |
One of the frequencies produces nausea for more than an hour.
“给我钱以及3个月时间,”她说到,“我将能影响这个城市80%的人的行为而不被他们察觉。” |