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I’ve gone over this document inch by inch and couldn’t find anything wrong with it.

I’ve been racking my brains all day trying to figure out what to do. 我一整天都在绞尽脑汁考虑做什么。
I’ve been thinking for a long time about what we do in our life… 很久以来,我一直在想,我们这一生到底在做些什么…
I’ve been told that he is talented in music. 我听说他在音乐方面有天份。
I’ve been under a lot of strain. 我现在压力好大。
I’ve discovered where to find her. 我已发现她在哪儿了。
I’ve gone over this document inch by inch and couldn’t find anything wrong with it. 我一行一行地检查了这份文件。没能找到任何错误的地方。
I’ve got a dash off a letter to the post office. 我得赶快去邮局发一封信。
I’ve got bad vibes about this place. 我对这个地方有不好的感受。
I’ve got jury duty on Monday. 星期一我得参加义务陪审。
I’ve got loving arms to hold on to. 我想要那可以倚靠的臂膀。
I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. 我有一些中国筷子。

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