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5 Damings mother doesnt wear jeans.

5 Be responsible for defect tends track and analysis. Organize investigation team for major non-conformance and customer complaint shooting. 负责缺陷趋势的跟踪和分析。组织调查小组对不符合及客户投诉的解决。
5 Broad-Mind:just another way of saying a fellow is too lazy to from an opinion. 毫无偏见:只是另一种形容一个人太懒惰而没有形成自己的观点和方法。
5 Constant exercise can make you tough. 经常运动能使你强壮.
5 Costa Rica's most active volcano, Arenal, hacked and coughed on Friday, sending cinders, rocks and ash down its slopes that lead to evacuation of people living nearby. 2003年9月5日哥斯达黎加最活跃的火山---阿尼那尔火山星期五开始爆发,从山坡上喷射出熔渣,热岩和火山灰,迫使居住在附近的人们撤离。
5 Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before. 现在能够比以前更可能快的速度来储存和发射更多的信息给更多的地方这一技术的发展与大量的信息结合在一起。
5 Damings mother doesnt wear jeans. 大明的母亲不穿牛仔裤。
5 Devotees walk barefoot across red-hot embers in an annual festival. 在一个常年的节日里,信徒赤足走过烧得火红的炭上.
5 Did he not say to me himself, She is my sister? and she herself said, He is my brother: with an upright heart and clean hands have I done this. 5那人岂不是自己对我说他是我的妹子吗﹖就是女人也自己说:他是我的哥哥。我做这事是心正手洁的。
5 Do you have any family or close friends in the UK? 你在英国有亲属或亲密朋友吗?
5 Do you know what your pen pal's interest is through the activity? 透过这个活动你了解你的笔友的兴趣是什麽吗?
5 During my year's stay in New Jersey I let my appetite flower into full Americanism except for one thing. I did not possess an automobile. 在新泽西州的一年中,我任凭自己的欲望充分发展成了美国式的,除了一个例外:我没有汽车。

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