Each lamb chop is portioned 3/4-inch thick and is approximately 8 ounces.
每块羊肉有3/4英寸厚,大约重8盎司。 |
Each lantern is a sincere wish. Do you want to know mine?
每一个灯笼都是一个真诚的祝愿。你想知道我的愿望吗? |
Each lanterns out of the heart lights behind, there is a cause for sorrow story, and trying Neizhandeng, sometimes only sentence warm words, some minimal assistance.
每一盏熄灭的心灯后面,都有一个令人感伤的故事,而点亮那盏灯,有时候只需一句温暖的话语、一点微不足道的帮助。 |
Each layer corresponds to one of the layers of a fuel cell: the anode (outer), the electrolyte-membrane (middle), and the cathode (inner).
每层对应着另一个电池的各层:阳极(外层)、电解膜(中层)和阴极(内层)。 |
Each layer is coated with a uniqne adhesive of high-tach or low-tach.
每层都涂上一种独特的高粘或低粘的胶粘剂。 |
Each leaf has b bud at its base that is able to develop into a subsidiary bulb.
鳞叶整片的将茎紧紧围裹,鳞叶位于地上茎的基部。 |
Each lecture will be complemented by a brief clinical pathologic conference emphasizing relevant clinical applications of basic principles discussed in the lectures.
每堂课会补充一例简短的临床病理研讨,此讨论将着重于基础原理的临床应用。 |
Each lecture will have an assigned scribe, whose job is to take notes for later distribution to the class.
每次讲座都应有一个指定的「记录者」,他的工作就是记课堂笔记并稍后分发给班里的同学们。 |
Each lecturer has also selected review readings and articles from the primary literature (below), which are available on reserve in the library.
每个老师还会从教科书中挑选一些期刊文章让学生进行延伸阅读,这些文章可以在麻省理工学院图书馆找到。 |
Each leg has three holes on the bottom for anchoring to the floor or base plate.
每个支柱底部都有三个孔,用于锚固在地面或底座上。 |
Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers.
每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。 |