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On board the plane,a pretty air hostess greeted the passengers with a sweet smile,
登上飞机,一位漂亮的空 中小姐带着甜美的微笑迎 接乘客,

On behalt of the staff and talent here at Donger Pharmaceutical, Itruly appreciate the great efforts and support put froth by our administrative bureaus ,sales agents and customers in the past years. 谨代表东格尔药业全体优秀员工,我真诚地向一贯大力支持和为东格尔药业付出努力的各级领导、各界朋友、全国各代理商和消费者表示诚挚的感谢。
On being sent to hospital, he was on the point of breathing his last. 他被送到医院的时候已经奄奄一息了。
On being told that those were fireflies, he gave a very understanding nod and innocently proclaimed,“Oh I see. 当他被告知那些是萤火虫时,他心领神会地点了点头,并且天真地宣称:“噢,我知道了。
On big farms cattle are usually branded. 大农场里的牛通常打有烙印.
On big farms, cattle are usually branded. 在大农场,牲畜通常都会被烙印。
On board the plane,a pretty air hostess greeted the passengers with a sweet smile, 登上飞机,一位漂亮的空 中小姐带着甜美的微笑迎 接乘客,
On board with Ansari were Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and US astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, who were to join German astronaut Thomas Reiter on the station just over 48 hours after liftoff. 与安萨里同行的是俄罗斯宇航员米凯尔·秋林和美国宇航员迈克尔·洛佩兹-阿里格利亚,他们将在48个多小时后和已在空间站的德国宇航员托马斯·里特会合。
On both counts, Google—contrary to its own propaganda—is much better judged as being just like any other “evil” money-grabbing company. 在这两点上,谷歌都更被认定为与其他任何一家“作恶”的赢利公司毫无二致,但这与公司本身的宣传刚好相反。
On both sides of the Atlantic exchanges have sought to protect their heritage with plans to join forces, which would enable them to share trading systems and provide deeper pools of liquidity to their customers. 大西洋两岸的交易所一直努力通过合并或者合作的计划保住自己的饭碗,合作使其能够共享股票交易系统并且给与顾客更加广阔的资金流动性。
On bridges and elevated roads, ambulances and columns of rescuers look for survivors and urge those who chose to stay to leave. 桥梁和高架道上,救护车和救援车队寻找生还者,力劝选择留下来的人离开。
On bursting, the shell spreads burning white phosphorus, for marking, screening, obscuring and incendiary effects. 爆炸时,可散布燃烧的白磷,用于标示、遮蔽、隐藏或纵火。

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