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The psychological effect is disconcerting: you are left doubting whether all links will do similar things (i.e. go to another page on this site), or whether you might be taken unexpectedly somewhere else.

The psychological causes of exerting confession through torture mainly are some policemen have perceive warp, bad emotional control, poor ability of solving cases, poor psychological condition, and self-conscious warp. 摘要刑讯逼供现象的心理原因主要在于一些警察存在的认知偏差、情绪控制能力差、办案能力差、心理健康状况不佳及自我意识上的偏差。
The psychological countermeasures to cope with exerting confession through torture include setting up educational training pattern in accordance with the police professional characteristics, practicing psychological selection in police enrollment strength 解决刑讯逼供问题的心理对策包括建立符合警察职业特点的教育训练模式,落实警察招收中的心理选拔环节,加强教育训练的针对性,以全面提高警察队伍的办案能力及自我控制能力。
The psychological curve of life, however, refuses to conform to this law of nature. 可是生命的曲线拒绝顺从这个自然的法则。
The psychological diagnosis gender identity disorder (GID) is used to describe a male or female that feels a strong identification with the opposite sex and experiences considerable distress because of their actual sex. 从心理上进行诊断的性别错位症,用来描述由于实际的性别,使他们却强烈感到想具有异性的性别和生活经历,并为此十分痛苦的男人和女人。
The psychological diathesis of university counselors is related to ideological education and psychological education for university students. 摘要高校辅导员心理素质高低关系到大学生思想政治工作与心理健康教育,关系办学的成绩。
The psychological effect is disconcerting: you are left doubting whether all links will do similar things (i.e. go to another page on this site), or whether you might be taken unexpectedly somewhere else. 从心里学角度讲,这样的效果处理会让人感到不安;同时,你会对此留有疑虑:是否所用的链接全是这样(包括其它页面);是否会链接到一个出乎意料的地方。
The psychological reality of linguistic representations. 语言表述之心理实境。
The psychological thriller Murktells the story of Jacob, who is investigating into the circumstances surrounding his sister's death on her wedding night. 这是一部心理惊栗电影,讲述积克调查妹妹在新婚夜死亡的故事。
The psychological trauma the attack left on America was profound. 这次袭击给美国留下的心理创伤是深远的。
The psychological withstanding ability and the adaptiveness is strong, the will is tenacious, from not easily to difficultly lowers the head. 心理承受能力和适应能力强,意志坚韧,从不轻易向困难低头。
The psychologist always assign work to each researcher. 这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。

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