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The man who owns some common sense will not believe such rumour.

The man who is waiting outside is your father. 正在外面等你的那个人是你的爸爸.
The man who limits himself to the same land never ses the ocean. 将自己局限在同一片土地上,就永远也看不到大海的壮阔。
The man who marries my daughter will need to be tough, fast-moving, and quick-thinking. 娶我女儿的人必须身体健壮、行动敏捷、思考灵敏。
The man who offers an insult writes it in sand, but for the man who received it, it's chiseled in bronze. 侮辱人者是把话写在沙上,受辱者却把它看作镶刻在铜上。
The man who once cursed his fate, now curses himself --- and pays his psychoanalyst. 可是对于生活中的许多,却是那样地挥霍无度。
The man who owns some common sense will not believe such rumour. 有点常识的人都不会相信这样的谣言.
The man who performed as the mascot for the North Carolina basketball team has died. 扮演北卡罗来纳州篮球队吉祥物的男子不幸去世。
The man who provided the most mystery and intrigue heading into the NBA Draft was undoubtedly Yi Jianlian. 毫无疑问,易建联是进军NBA选秀大会的球员当中最神秘、最诡异的一个。
The man who ride on a white horse not always a prince, maybe the Monk Tang. 骑白马的不一定是王子,他可能是唐僧。
The man who riding on white horse not finitely prince, but prince must ride the white horse. 骑白马的未必是王子,但王子一定骑白马。
The man who set fire to the building and caused many people to die has been sentenced to death. 那个男人被宣判死刑,他在那幢楼里放火,导致很多人死亡。

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