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It might do this if it expands the input data (for example, by decomdivssing it).

It might be the sculpture of a certain tribal leader. 它可能是某个部落首领的头像。
It might be tiring, busy, boring, but I should keep myself happy. 不论我怎么想,将来怎么安排,但是现在也是我的生活。
It might be worth questioning how big a role the government can take in all this considering that the e-commerce market in China is dominated by private sector companies. 中国电子商务市场是由私营性的公司主导,那么在其发展中政府扮演何种角色,能够发挥多大作用值得置疑和思考。
It might be worthwhile to check with your doctor to diagnose any of these conditions and treat them. 这时你就需要去看医生检查一下,以便对这些情况进行确诊并加以治疗。
It might cause an object to levitate or even fly through the air. 可能使一个物体漂浮在空中甚至在空中飞翔。
It might do this if it expands the input data (for example, by decomdivssing it). 当输出比输入的数据量大时,通常使用这种方法(比如,解压缩)。
It might do this if it expands the input data (for example, by decompressing it). 当输出比输入的数据量大时,通常使用这种方法(比如,解压缩)。
It might easily pass for silk. 它很容易被当成丝绸。
It might examine it for some time, of course. 当然,环保署可以花时间好好研究。
It might have appeared to go unnoticed, 它可能出现察觉到,
It might have been John or Hilda, for example. 比如说,可能叫约翰或海尔达。

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