Ariel has a father. Her father.
爱丽儿有个父亲。她的父亲。 |
Ariel has finished reading LOCH, she has her own views towards the role of Huang Rong, and she insists that she doesn't watch the previous versions of Huang Rong.
日前她终于读完《射雕英雄传》,对黄蓉有自己的看法,但她坚持不看前几版的「黄蓉」演出。 |
Ariel has friends. Her friends.
爱丽儿有一些朋友。她的朋友。 |
Aries bosses are just fine, as long as you do what they want immediately.
白羊座的老板很不错,只要你能立即做好他要你做的事情。 |
Aries buys the first thing that catches their eye.
白羊座总是购买一眼就看上的东西。 |
Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night.
白羊座:把睡觉看做是件再容易不过的事,想尝尝通宵不睡的滋味。 |
Aries dads like action-oriented contests of any sort, and they often show their affection by urging you to flex your own competitive muscles.
以行动为导向的他通常都是通过这种方式来表达感情的。 |
Aries don't need a wish,the Aries thinks it's already got it all!
白羊座的人不需要许愿,他们认为所有的愿望已经实现了! |
Aries favors anything fast, hot and red.
白羊座喜欢一切迅速、激烈和红色的东西。 |
Aries people are active, have excellent muscle coordination, and are noted for their energetic *uality.
白羊座人是活跃的,有优秀的肌肉协调能力,他们以精力充沛而闻名。 |
Aries people are subject to headaches, including migraines, head congestion, and sinus conditions.
白羊星座经常头疼,像经常发生偏头痛,顶头壅塞,和静脉窦。 |