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He indulged his children too much.

He indicated his willingness with a nod of his head. 他点头表示愿意。
He indicated that he was turning right, but then he turned left! 他发出右转信号, 却突然向左转了!
He indicated that his confidence stemmed from the openness of the ethnic communities established by immigrants to Canada. 他表示由加拿大移民所建立的的开放的多种族社区为他的自信提供了源泉。
He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. 他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。
He indicated, with a tilt of his head, a stranger nearby. 他斜著头,指出附近的一个陌生人。
He indulged his children too much. 他太纵容他的孩子们了。
He indulges in the habit of late rising. 他一贯喜欢睡懒觉。
He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder victim. 他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。
He inflated his chest; he seemed to rise on tiptoe to make his concluding speech. 他鼓起了胸膛、好像还踮起了脚尖开始说结语。
He informed them that his mother had died. 他通知他们的母亲死了。
He inhaled deeply. 他深深地吸了口气。

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