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Economists call this nominal price rigidity.

Economists at the European Commission now put it at around 8%, one percentage point less than in 1997 (though well above America's 5%). 欧盟委员会的经济学家估计在8%左右,比1997年降低1%(尽管高于美国的5%)。
Economists believe that the deficit will widen again next month after a further rise in the oil price in March and figures from China pointing to a 38 per cent surge in exports last month. 经济学家们相信,由于石油价格3月份进一步上涨,同时来自中国的数据显示中国上月出口飙升了38%,美国下月的贸易逆差因而将再次扩大。
Economists broadly accept that FDI helps productivity grow. 经济学家普遍认为外商直接投资有助于生产率增长。
Economists call these marginal changes. 经济学家称这些为边际的变化。
Economists call this a sunk cost. 经济学家们将这种现象叫做”沉淀成本”。
Economists call this nominal price rigidity. 经济学家将这称为名义价格刚性。
Economists continue to argue fiercely about whether Asia can decouple from the world's biggest economy. 经济学家仍然在激烈争论亚洲是否能够脱离世界上最强大的经济。
Economists feel that tame inflation along with a fragile economic recovery could delay further interest rate increases. 经济学家认为,目前温和的通涨率和脆弱的经济复苏也许会推迟升息的脚步。
Economists find it devilishly hard to define the “correct value” for a currency. 经济学家发现给货币定义“正确的价值”难于上青天。
Economists have discussed five candidate quantities: GDP, “utility,” throughput, natural capital and total capital (the sum of natural and man-made capital). 经济学家曾经讨论过五种可能的量值:GDP、效益、产出、自然资本与总资本(自然资本与人造资本的总和)。
Economists justify protectionist policies—used by developed countries too—mostly as temporary measures. 正当经济保护主义政策——也被发达国家运用——大多是作为临时措施。

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