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I won't trust either of the two brothers; they are tarred with the same brush.

I won't tie you too strictly . 我不想太严格地约束你。
I won't tie you too strictly. 我不想太严格地约束你。
I won't tolerate that kind of behaviour. 我不能容忍那种行为.
I won't tolerate your neglecting your duty. 我不能容许你玩忽职守.
I won't trade with humans. 我将不和人类交易。
I won't trust either of the two brothers; they are tarred with the same brush. 弟兄两个我谁也不相信,他们都是一路货色。
I won't trust them any more, because they always deceive me. 我不会再相信他们了,他们总是在欺骗我。
I won't undertake to answer Dary's question… I'm not an encyclopedia, neither am I a Philadelphia lawyer. 我不同意回答戴丽的问题……我既不是百科全书,也不是精明强干的费城律师。
I won't wait any longer - I'm fed up. 我腻了,不想再等了。
I won\'t stand for any more of your rudeness. 我不能再容忍你的无礼。
I won`t be the one who betrays my dead king and lets you desecrate his tomb. 我不会像他们一样背叛死去的国王,任凭你亵渎他的坟墓的。

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