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Finally, it takes time to relate the neural map of the event and the mental image arising from it to the neural map and image of the self—that is, the notion of who we are—the last and critical step without which the event will never become conscious.

Finally, it is put into software realization. 最后,给出了算法的软件实现。
Finally, it optimizes and deployment the data from the monitoring system data base of a certain complex pump system by employing GA, and the computation result shows that such algorithm has good performance. 最后,对由某复杂泵系统的监控系统数据库中所得数据应用遗传算法进行优化调度,计算结果显示此算法性能良好。
Finally, it proposes scat basic principles for improvement of the present financial report, concerning five aspects, i. e., the content, the information disclosure, the pattern, the standard and the timeliness. 最后,提出了改进现行财务报告应遵循的基本思路,并对财务报告的内容、表外披露、方式、规范与及时性等五个方面提出了较为系统的改进意见。
Finally, it seemed to me that in the history of these years there were many lessons to be learned, not only political and military, but human and philosophic, as well. 我还认为,从这几年的历史中,可以吸取许多教训:政治和军事的,以及人情上的和哲学上的。
Finally, it should be noted that our polling cycles for CE Donald Tsang, Secretaries of Departments and Directors of Bureaux are all different, so comparisons should best be made using synchronized figures. 须要注意,是次发放所涉及有关特首、司长和局长的民望数字,由于调查周期不同,同步变化比较应以同步数字为基础。」
Finally, it takes time to relate the neural map of the event and the mental image arising from it to the neural map and image of the self—that is, the notion of who we are—the last and critical step without which the event will never become conscious. 最后的步骤也还是要花时间,那就是将事件引起的神经投射及神经投射引起的心象,对应成「自我」的神经投射及心象(也就是「我们是谁」的观念),这是最后也是最重要的步骤,没有这个步骤,我们永远也意识不到这个事件。
Finally, it's back to Dolly the sheep - the first mammal in the world to be cloned. 这是世界上第一只克隆哺乳动物——绵羊多利,它于1996年出生。
Finally, its operating results are given. 最后展示了它的运行实验结果。
Finally, join together the surface with the patch lids on both sides. 最后用盖子在两侧将面连结在一起。
Finally, lactation complete feeds do not contain added B-vitamins or coccidiostat. 最后,泌乳期饲料一般都不含有B族维生素和抗球虫药。
Finally, landlords used their concubines to discredit local cadre (farmers holding village office). 地主还利用自己的小老婆来败坏地方干部(即在村公所任职的当地农民)的名誉。

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