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Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.

Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with Mozzarella cheese. 以豆腐皮夹层蕃茄、甜椒、荷兰豆、茄子、豆腐等各种大豆蔬果与马自瑞拉乳酪焗烤而成。
Piles and piles of rubbish bags have been taken away by truck. 一堆堆的垃圾袋已经用卡车运走了.
Piles of coal in Xiangcheng, in Henan Province, which will supply the area's power plant. 河南省项城市的煤堆,这里的煤主要供当地电厂使用。
Piles of rubbish can be seen in that works. 在那个工厂可以看到一堆又一堆的垃圾。
Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent . 仓库中的失窃使利润损失了百分之二.
Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent. 仓库中的失窃使利润损失了百分之二.
Pilgrimage, the: The quest for Mortality. A euphemism for a Promethean's life, his sole career. Everything he does, for good or ill, is another step on the Pilgrimage. 朝圣:追寻人性的过程。活尸孤独的生涯与志业的委婉说法。他的所作所为,无论好坏都是朝圣的一小步。
Pilgrims knelt to touch a tiny patch of exposed stone under an ornate alter. 朝圣者跪下以碰触华丽祭坛下一小片裸露的石块。
Piling on the pounds is not only bad for health it can have a negative impact on earning power. 肥胖不仅对健康有害,可能还会对“挣钱能力”产生负面影响。
Pilkington said the club would send video of the jump and other details to the Guinness Book of Records head office in London and expects confirmation of the record shortly. 皮尔金顿说,俱乐部将把这次跳伞的录象带和其他详细资料寄往《吉尼斯世界记录大全》的伦敦总部,并期望这一记录尽快得到认可。
Pillar foreign-invested enterprises that get land use right in the form of transfer may get 50% refunding from land transfer payment if they pay for the land transfer in lump sum. 支柱型外商投资企业以出让方式取得土地使用权,一次性缴纳土地出让金的,可按土地出让金的50%进行返还。

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