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Two suspicious characters were brought in.

Two substitutions (ie of players) were made during the match. 在比赛中换了两次人.
Two sugars in my coffee, please! 请在我的咖啡里放两块方糖!
Two summers ago, Cecilia took a marital hiatus and was photographed with another man in Paris and New York. 两年前的夏天,西西莉亚做了婚姻逃兵,还被拍到和另一名男子在巴黎和纽约的身影。
Two suspects in the failed Britain car bombings apparently looked into U.S. employment. 英国汽车爆炸未遂事件的两名嫌疑犯显然正在调查美国就业。
Two suspicious aspects are suspected respectively. 两个可疑的方面分别受到怀疑。
Two suspicious characters were brought in. 逮捕了两名嫌疑犯.
Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night. 昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。
Two sweet swings were separated by five days of anguish and anxiety, providing a salve for a reeling team and, perhaps, the finishing touch on a homecoming that left a stadium of Los Angeles Dodgers fans delirious and two in particular in tears. 前后相隔五天,在令人紧张与难过的比赛下所击出的的二支全垒打,拯救了这支载沈载浮的球队,也抚慰了今天这些可能是本球季最后出现在道奇球场上疯狂的球迷们以及其中二个泪涟涟的人他们的心灵。
Two symbols' places on the DHD were switched in this episode. 在本集里,DHD上的某两个符号被换位了(前后场景中出现时不一致)。
Two tablets, four times a day. 一天四次,一次两片。
Two teams very much on the up, buoyed by shrewd buys and investment in youth schemes, met on 6 March for a quarter-final. 两队都因对青训计划的投资和一些明智的转会而让球队得以发展并有了上升趋势,3月6日两队在四分之一决赛相遇了。

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