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SEM observation on stem and leaf epidermis of three species in Rabolosia (Bl.) Hassk

The Reduction of Enzyme of P.ostreatus 8108 Seedling Xylem: A Research P.ostreatus 8101菌株木质素降解酶的研究
Accumulation Ability of Three Vertical Plants’ Leaves to Zn,Cu,Pb 3种垂直绿化植物叶片对Zn、Cu、Pb的富集能力
Inhibition of Melanin From Pseudomonas maltophilia on the Apoptosis Induced by Influenza Virus in MDCK Cells 黑色素对流感病毒诱导细胞凋亡的抑制效应
Establishment of infectious clone system of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus A/Duck/Guangxi/53/02 H5N1亚型高致病性禽流感病毒A/Duck/Guangxi/53/02株感染性克隆的构建
The Analysis of pH Adjustment Effect on Cultivation of Spinulina platensis in the Illuminant Panel Photobioreactor 在光生物反应器培养螺旋藻中pH值的调控作用分析
SEM observation on stem and leaf epidermis of three species in Rabolosia (Bl.) Hassk 3种香茶菜茎叶表面的扫描电镜观察
Study on Evapotranspiration of Themeda japonica Community 太行山低山区黄背草群落蒸散研究
Neurophysiological Basis of The Regulation of Circadian Rhythms in Mammals:Circadian Photoreceptor 哺乳动物昼夜节律调节的神经基础——昼夜光感受器
Study of Bacterial Adhesion to Prosthetic Valve Materials in Vitro 人工心脏瓣膜材料细菌粘附的体外实验
Anatomical Characteristics on the Skeleton of Cinereous Vulture 秃鹫骨骼的解剖学特点
Studies on Kinetics of Yeast Production Using Molasses by Fed-batch Culture 利用制糖废蜜流加培养酵母的动力学研究

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