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Durex Play Feel Lubricant is designed for enhanced pleasure, creating a more sensual experience for both partners.

Duration of the Kumite bout is defined as three minutes for Senior Male Kumite (both teams and individuals) and two minutes for Women's, Junior, and Cadet bouts. 每回合对打比赛时间规定为成年男性三分钟﹝团体赛和个人赛相同﹞,女性、青少年和少年选手规定为每回合二分钟。
Duration of the major study applied in China. 请标明你所申请的来华学习时间.
Duration: 2 years beginning May 2006, can be extended. 这个工作职位是两年,从2006年5月开始,能被延长。
Duravit, established in 1817, is a world known sanitary ware company of long history, dedicated to the design and production of high-level sanitary ware and bathroom furniture. 德国杜拉维特公司始创于1817年,是一家拥有悠久历史专业致力于高档洁具及浴室家具的生产设计的国际知名洁具公司。
Durbin's DHHS funding provision expires in September, at the end of the government's fiscal year. 德宾在卫生及福利部拨款法案里的条款,将于今年9月政府会计年度结束时失效。
Durex Play Feel Lubricant is designed for enhanced pleasure, creating a more sensual experience for both partners. 杜蕾斯乐趣润滑剂,水溶不杀精,可与安全套一起使用。
Durian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is heading west acro the Gulf of Thailand. 榴莲已经降级为热带风暴,正穿过泰国湾向西移动。
Durian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is heading west across the Gulf of Thailand. 榴莲已经降级为热带风暴,正穿过泰国湾向西移动。
Durin g Kissinger's visit to China, both sides decided to set up a liaison office in each other's capital establish a direct link between the two countries. 在基辛格此次访问期间,中美双方商定:各自在对方首都设立联络处,以建立两国间的直接联系。
During the Culture Revolutionin China, the traditional commendatory words were polarized obviously and developed toward two opposite directions. 摘要“文革”时期,传统的褒义词语产生了相当明显的分化,并向正、负两个方向发展。
During the revolution in novel circles, Liang Qichao took a dominant position and contributed to three great things of historical significance for the modernization process of Chinese novels: setting up a new base for the novel innovation by creating new 摘要梁启超在“小说界革命”中担当了主导角色,为中国小说近代化历程做了三项有历史意义的大事:一是创办《新小说》为小说革新开辟阵地;二是努力开创小说理论研究的新领域,新模式;三是在小说创作实践中开辟现实主义新蹊径。

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